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What Are the Best Lead Sources for Your Business?

Consistently finding new customers is essential for the health and success of your company. You have to connect your products or services with people who want or need them. But the question is, where can you find these new prospects and customers? The answer is that you have to use effective and productive lead sources.

In this post, we'll go over the best lead sources for your business, so you can have a steady stream of new leads consistently coming in.

Top lead sources for your business

Existing customers – Your current or past customers are one of your best sources of new leads. Your sales reps should examine last purchase reports and call anyone who hasn't purchased in an average time period for your industry. They should also look at email open reports and contact anyone who has engaged with your emails. Lastly, if you're conducting customer satisfaction surveys, then you can reach out to respondents who provide a negative score or negative comment, fix whatever issue they have and turn them into a more loyal customer.

SIC and NAICS codes – SIC and NAICS codes identify which industry a company is in. When it comes to lead sources, you can look at the codes of the companies currently on your customer list. Then you can look for similar companies with the same codes to target and build a prospect list. Basically, you're searching for businesses that you aren't working with that look a lot like the ones you are currently doing business with.

Website visitors – Potential customers visit your website because they are interested in your products or services. By identifying who those visitors are and reaching out to them quickly after they viewed your site, you have a great chance of converting them into paying customers. The best way to identify web visitors and turn your site into one of your most effective lead sources is by tagging all of your website pages with software, like SharpSpring, that identifies the IP addresses of people on the site. You should also include formfills throughout your website to capture the name and info of people wanting more information.

Customer referrals – One of the best lead sources are referrals from current customers. Reach out to people who you are working with who are satisfied and ask them if they would be willing to take part in a case study. That way, even if they don't have anyone that they can directly refer to you, your business can still use their positive experience in your marketing materials in order to encourage new people to work with you.

For all lead sources, consistency is key

Developing new lead sources and looking for new customers have to be constant activities. When business is good, many companies will let lead generation go by the wayside, but putting it on the back burner is a mistake. In order to achieve persistent growth and success, you have to continuously add new prospects to your sales funnel, so they are there if and when current customers leave you.

If you need assistance finding new leads and developing lead sources, Winsby has experts that can help. We'll connect you with potential customers who have been waiting for a product or service like yours!

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