goals for content marketing

Goals for Content Marketing

What you should strive for on every piece of writing

Be Engaging
The most elegant writing in the world isn't going to do your business any good if no one is reading and thinking about the content. Here are a few ways to best engage your audience.

  • Help Your Customers—Tips or best practices can be a great way to entice readers to click through and share your content
  • Try Different Formats—Play around with various types of content to see what works best. Lists are a great place to start, as well as Q&As and how-to's.
  • Focus on Headlines—An enticing headline is the first step to reaching audiences. Spend the proper time crafting an interesting, intriguing or fun headline. Don't go overboard, though. Too much cheese can dissuade users, and misleading text will hurt your credibility in the long run.

Be The Expert
Content marketing is the best way to position your company as a thought leader in the field. An impressive catalog of tips and resources on your site and social networks will give potential customers confidence that you're the right company for them.

  • Look for Shared Experiences—If you notice a pattern in successes or failures among your customers, there's a good chance other companies are facing the same issues. Touching on these topics is a great way to show them you understand where they're coming from.
  • Don't Be Afraid of Research—Vague, general statements aren't going to convince many people that you're an expert. Use numbers to support your argument. If you need to use outside sources as references, that's fine. If you have your own internal numbers and research, that's even better.

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