
Reasons to Target Low Volume Keywords

Keyword targeting is one of the primary ways to boost your website’s ranking on search engines like Google. Search engine crawlers scan websites to see which keywords they contain to connect users with relevant content for their searches. The better a website targets a keyword and builds authority around it, the higher it will be ranked for that word or phrase.

There are high, medium, and low search volume keywords, categorized based on how many users look for them each month. Most businesses aim for the medium to high volume options and create content around them. They believe that adding the most searched for keywords in their content will boost their rankings and visibility. While this approach is the most common one and works for some, it can be very difficult and expensive.

On the other hand, targeting low volume keywords offers an easier way to drive traffic to your website when done correctly. Low volume keywords are ones with a search volume usually between 100 and a few hundred each month and are a lot less competitive than higher volume keywords.

Top Reasons to Target Low Volume Keywords

Here are a few reasons why you shouldn’t underestimate the value that low volume keyword targeting can provide for your business.

1. Less competition
When you target high search volume keywords that everyone is already chasing, you compete with thousands of popular businesses. If you are a small business, it is extremely difficult for you to beat large companies that have been around for a while and have an established their online presence.

However, when you use low volume keywords, you are in a zone with fewer competitors that often have fewer backlinks and a lower domain authority. The result is that you stand a higher chance of ranking better on the search engines for those terms.

2. Lower CPC
For paid ads on search engines, cost-per-click or ‘CPC’ is the amount a business pays every time the link for its advertisement is clicked. Since low volume keywords have less competition, they are also more economical, which is great for businesses that cannot afford a high spend on advertising.

3. Increase your domain authority
Domain authority describes how relevant a search engine thinks your webpage is for a specific topic or search query. It is a significant factor Google uses to assess the rank you should receive.

Because lower volume keywords receive less attention from other businesses, they are prime opportunities to establish your own domain authority. Once you establish your authority for lower volume keywords, boost your rankings, and increase traffic to your website, it will make it easier for you to target more competitive keywords and rank for them, too.

4. Capture user intent efficiently
Typically, the more specific the keyword is, the lower the search volume. For example, the keywords “toys for babies” will have a higher search volume than “toys for 8 month old baby boy.” Since the latter is extremely specific, fewer people are searching for it.

The flip side is that more specific keywords will potentially connect you with exactly the right customer for your product. Higher volume words cast a wider net but may bring people to your site who do not want the specific thing you offer, while lower volume words will better target your ideal market.

5. Cover a niche topic
Google also ranks you based on how comprehensiveness your website is on a topic. Websites that cover a niche topic at length will rank higher for words related to that topic. Niche topics include extremely specific keywords that have a lower search volume than more general topics. These words might have a smaller target audience, but you will connect with them better, as you are specifically targeting the topics they are interested in.

6. Target long tail keywords
Long tail keywords are more precise and have lower search volume than more general alternatives. Using these keywords allows you to specifically target your customers' pain points and offer them what they are actively searching for.

Long tail keywords allow you to rank higher and beat the competition. For example, a company offering commercial cleaning services is less likely to rank high or find the right customer if it simply targets the keyword "cleaning." In contrast, there are more chances of ranking higher if it uses low search volume, long tail keywords like "commercial building cleaning and maintenance services."

The Last Word

Though keyword targeting is a common tactic to rank higher, it is a skill that needs to be mastered through trial and error. Focusing on lower search volume keywords is a smart way to tap into the power of keyword targeting and yield excellent results.

Let Winsby’s team of SEO experts analyze your site and your business to identify keywords that will work well with existing content and help connect you with new customers. Call us at (312) 870-5656 or email us to talk to one of our representatives today.

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