Man inspecting equipment on a jobsite

The Best Strategy for Equipment Dealer Marketing

When it comes to equipment dealer marketing, you can't underestimate the benefits of email. But even they might not fully recognize just how crucial email marketing is to their continued success. From boosting the purchase frequency of your customers to increasing sales to introducing customers to multiple sides of your business, email marketing benefits are many and extremely valuable.

Let's dive into some of those top benefits of email for equipment dealer marketing.

The key email marketing benefits for your dealership
  1. Grow sales from current customers – Construction equipment dealers are really multiple businesses rolled into one. One of the benefits of email is that you can tie those different businesses together and encourage the sharing of customers between departments. For example, if a customer comes to you to purchase a part or have their machine serviced, you can then get them into your email funnel and introduce them to your new and used equipment, rentals, and more.
  2. Boost customer purchase frequency – One of the most important email marketing benefits is that it can increase the number of times and amount of products or services customer purchase from you. For example, when Winsby develops and send emails on behalf of a client, their customers that are on their email list purchase two to three times more often that those customers who are not on their email list.
  3. Expand the reach of your marketing – Billions of people send and receive emails every single day, which is what makes them such a key part of your equipment dealer marketing. If you are constantly building and cleaning your email distribution list, then you can tap into the inboxes of more and more of those people. At Winsby, we help you find the right prospects for your list by calling companies similar to the ones on your current customer list. We ask for the email address of decision makers, and then start sending them information about your dealership's services and offerings.
  4. Emails deliver a high ROI – Constant Contact, a leading online marketing platform, reports that the average ROI for email marketing is $36 for every $1 spent. That is a huge return and one of the most important email marketing benefits. You will not find a more cost effective marketing or advertising approach out there, including direct mail, print media, paid ads, or billboards. Plus, you can track how well they work, meaning you can better allocate your dealership's scarce resources.
Improve your equipment dealer marketing

Once you recognize the benefits of email, then it is easy to see how they will help grow your business. You get a direct line into your customers' and potential customers' inboxes, allowing you to offer solutions to the problems they are trying to solve. But the thing is, you have to do the emails right.

That's where our team comes in at Winsby. We'll construct your email distribution list, come up with the best topics for your audience, and then write, design, program, and send out the emails. Afterwards, we'll track the results and share them with you. We'll take care of the entire process, so your equipment dealership can reap all the email marketing benefits!

Contact Winsby to Take Advantage of Email Marketing Benefits

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