Two men in packaging warehouse looking at laptop

Why Manufacturers Should Conduct a Customer Satisfaction Phone Survey

Understanding your customers is vitally important for every industry, but they are especially important for manufacturing. When it comes to pouring resources into building new products or expanding a current product line, the costs and consequences of making uninformed or misinformed decisions can be serious and severe.

B2B surveys give manufacturers the information they need to make the best decisions possible with a fixed budget.

How manufacturers can use a customer satisfaction phone survey

Most manufacturers are B2B companies; they sell their products to other businesses, instead of directly to consumers. As a B2B business, manufacturers need a good understanding of both their customers and, often, their customers’ customers. With customer satisfaction surveys you can determine what is most important to all types of customers.

Improve customer retention

If you're a manufacturer considering whether to conduct customer satisfaction phone surveys, it's important to think about customer retention, because the numbers speak for themselves. At Winsby, customer retention rates are 30% to 40% higher for companies that conduct B2B surveys each month, compared to those that don't.

With B2B surveys it’s easy to identify problem areas quickly, before your customers leave to work with a competitor.

See what's important to your customers

B2B surveys provide insights into what manufacturers' customers care about most. Once you understand what's most important to customers when purchasing your products, you can highlight those attributes in your marketing emails, social media posts, ads, and more. When a prospect or previous customer sees that messaging, they will recognize that you provide what they care about most.

Understand what your customers expect

Customer satisfaction phone surveys also reveal the exact expectations of your customers. See what timelines they expect, what payment terms they are accustomed to, and how quickly they want to get quotes, deliveries, and follow up calls back. After recognizing customers' expectations, manufacturers can bring their operation in line with them, delivering the best customer experience possible.

Build customer loyalty

By regularly conducting customer satisfaction B2B surveys, you can also develop customer loyalty. Loyal customers are more likely to continue doing business with you, even if they have other options available. By calling them regularly and asking how everything is going, you are showing that you care and are willing to change in order to make their experience better.

B2B surveys are critical for manufacturers

Success or failure in manufacturing requires replacing as many unknowns as possible. You have to know as much as possible about the products customers want, how they want them, and how they want to deal with the people who sell them. The manufacturers that replace the most unknowns with knowns and acts on that information are the most successful. A customer satisfaction phone survey will help you do just that.

If you'd like to better understand your customers and what they think of you and your products, then contact Winsby about our customer satisfaction B2B surveys today!

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