How Old School

How Old School Media Relations Boosts Business

Why old school outreach is the best route toward new growth

If you have a business, someone's definitely told you that you should be on social media. And, yes, social media can be helpful to expanding one’s business, but it also has serious drawbacks: You have to constantly update content, which takes time; you have to comment and reply to comments, which takes time; and you have to actively engage like minded businesses, which takes—you guessed it—time.

The truth is nothing is as effective at improving sales as old school media relations. It can even improve your search engine ranking! Here we outline nine ways media relations can improve your sales, customer engagement, and overall brand growth.

1. Media Relations Improves Search Ranking
Media relations helps build online presence in two ways. First, the articles and posts added to sites mention your name, which adds to your Google index. More mentions mean a higher index, which means you appear in searches sooner and faster.

The second way media relations enhances online presence is through links to your website. Google sees these backlinks, realizes you’re newsworthy and credible, and your search rank rises. This process leads to more customers finding you and more sales.

2. Media Stories Give You Credibility
Media coverage lends your business credibility. It’s basically an unspoken endorsement signaling to viewers and readers that your business is worth their interest and attention. Hearing even a little positive feedback from the media goes a long way in positioning your company as a trusted authority. Similarly, customer interviews on your website are a great way to show your ratings.

3. Media Relations Improves Company Recognition
On a related note, media coverage elevates company recognition and cements trust. A viewer or reader who sees your name one place will recognize it again, leading to more personal trust and the likelihood of engagement. Even a small newspaper blurb can go a long way in attracting new customers.

4. Media Relations Reduces Cost
Media stories are basically like free advertising. While journalists and reporters won’t explicitly endorse your products, their reports raise your profile, meaning you can spend less on advertising. It’s a win-win!

5. Media Stories Create Buzz
You know the phrase “all publicity’s good publicity?” It’s true. Media stories create conversations about your business, increasing industry and consumer buzz, which translates to more engagement with your customers. So easy!

6. The Media Publicizes New Products and Services
Reporters and journalists are always looking for the next story. They love knowing the newest products, services, and even location changes, expansions and new personnel. But they won’t know about them if you don’t tell them. And all you have to do to tell them is send a press release. They’ll be grateful for the information—you’re making their jobs easier—and they are more likely to cover your news.

7. Reputation Management
Along the same lines, since media coverage boosts search engine results, it increases the likelihood that anyone searching for your products and services will come across your page and see the stories about your company. This type of publicity automatically solidifies your brand's reputation as a leader in your field, leading to more customer engagement and more growth.

8. Attract New Talent
While the media goes far in attracting new customers, it’s also a great tool for hooking new talent. Positive coverage signals to potential recruits that you’re a thought leader, bringing the best and brightest knocking. This newfound access to talent in turn accelerates your continued expansion and innovation.

9. Media Stories Make Great Social Content
As we said, social media is not the be all, end all, but sharing positive news coverage definitely helps raise one's online profile. Plus, it feels good to share great stories about your business. If you’ve been on CNN, CBS, or leading publication, shout it from the roof tops. You should be proud!

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