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Manufacturer Marketing: Build Your Email Distribution List

Email marketing is one of the best tools that manufacturers have at their disposal. It allows you to connect with customers and potential customers, reminds them of the products that you offer, and encourages them to purchase more often. But the only way you can truly take advantage of all the benefits of email marketing is to make sure your email distribution list is accurate and up to date.

Your manufacturing email list is never static. It changes constantly. The people whose emails you have might leave the company, change roles, or simply stop looking at or clicking on your emails. As these changes occur over time, your email distribution list becomes less and less effective at producing results. For that reason, it requires constant attention. Below are some tips for creating a list that drives sales and improves marketing for manufacturers.

Reach out to lookalike customers

One of the best ways to grow your email distribution list is to analyze it in terms of SIC or NAICS codes. First, you must determine which industries are most prevalent in your current customer base. Then, you'll want to find companies that look like the ones on your list—in the same industries and with the same geographic limitations, if there are any. Add them to your prospect list, then call through the list to determine who the decision makers are at those companies, ask them for their email addresses, and send them information about your company.

Verify your current email distribution list

It's hard to believe, but as much as 20% to 30% of your list goes bad every single year. What that means is that up to nearly a third of your contacts may no longer be viewing your manufacturer marketing emails. To help fix this problem, you should review your customer list, call any company that doesn't have an email address on file or that has stopped engaging with your emails, determine the email addresses you should be using going forward, and add them to your email distribution list.

Ensure it is simple to sign up

A key part of any manufacturer marketing strategy is having an effective website that makes it easy for users to understand and see what you offer. A large component of a great website is having form fills on multiple pages. That way, customers can give you their name and email address if they have a question about your product, would like to learn more about it, or just want to get on your list to receive updates and information from you.

Use lead magnets

Another way to encourage people to join your email distribution list from your website is to offer them something in return for their contact info. Great lead magnets for manufacturers are things like special deals, brochures, ebooks, or other types of freebies.

Collect emails from online orders or payments

Customers who have purchased a product from you are great candidates for your email distribution list. Gather their emails when you collect payment information, but be sure to indicate they are opting in to receive future emails from you.

We'll help you with the heavy lifting

Just like with any part of manufacturing marketing, when it comes to building your email distribution list, consistency is crucial. At Winsby, our team will continually call through your email list to verify the right people are on it, we'll help you find new leads to add to the list, and we can build you an effective, high quality website that captures leads.

If you want help growing and maintaining your email distribution list, then give our team a call.

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