Woman in warehouse typing on computer

Email Marketing Benefits for Manufacturers

A key part of manufacturing marketing is staying in contact with your customers and prospects. Your company and your products have to be in front of them regularly in order for you to remain top of mind, so people remember what you do and what you offer, and they will think of you when it comes time to buy your products.

The best way to consistently put yourself in front of customers and potential customers is through email marketing. Let's look at some of the benefits that manufacturers can take advantage of by sending emails regularly.

Access a huge potential audience

Emails give manufacturers a massive audience to interact with. About 306 billion emails are sent and received worldwide every single day. Manufacturers can capture some of that audience for their own businesses by taking the following steps: review your current customer list, identify which industries they are in, then call similar companies in those industries and ask for the email address of any decision makers. Add them to your list, start sending them emails that introduce your company, your products and tout your reputation, then reap the benefits of email marketing.

Substantial return on investment

One of the primary benefits of email marketing is the ROI. Sending emails to your customers several times a month encourages them to purchase more and more often. At Winsby, we've found that the customers on our clients' email lists purchase about two to three more often than the customers who are not on their email list. The clients we send emails for have an average return on investment of about 4,300%.

Easily recognize if emails are working or not

Another benefit of email marketing is that the analytics are simple to track. You can look at open rates, click through rates, sales conversions, and even revenue that can be attributed to specific emails addresses that you are distributing to. With this data you can understand how well your emails are working and whether you need to change anything about them, like subject lines, to improve open rates, or the calls to action to improve conversions.

Let your sales reps know who to follow up with

The best way manufacturers can take advantage of the benefits of email marketing benefits is to send the information about who is opening the emails to their sales reps. That way, the sales reps can contact people who are consistently opening the emails. They can even see what the customer or prospect is looking for, based on which part of the email they clicked on. For example, if the email features several of your products or services, and the prospect clicked on one of them, the sales rep can ask about their needs relating specifically to that product or service.

We do the heavy lifting for manufacturing marketing

When it comes to taking advantage of the benefits of email marketing, many manufacturers might not know where to start. That's where Winsby comes in. We've already figured out what works best! Our team handles the entire process, from creating calendars and developing topics, to writing, designing, programing, sending, and tracking the results. We'll refine your messaging to focus on what your customers and prospects care about most, then write compelling copy that encourages them to take action, and create a design that draws them into the features and makes them want to read them.

Contact Winsby to help with your marketing today!

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