Email Marketing

B2B Email Marketing Tips for 2023

As we get deeper into 2023, it’s important that you’re spending your marketing dollars as wisely as possible and taking advantage of every tool at your disposal. B2B emails is one of the most cost effective ways to put your products, services, and overall brand in front of your customers and potential customers. But they’re only effective if you do them right.

To help you out, we’ve put together some B2B email marketing tips for 2023.

Measure performance in a way that makes sense

Analyzing how well your B2B emails are doing is not a new or groundbreaking tip for 2023. But consistently measuring performance and actually using the data should be a continual goal. It’s important to go beyond just open rates and click through rates. Although those are very important metrics, you also want to look at how well your emails are actually contributing to your sales and revenue. For example, for the clients that Winsby sends out B2B emails on behalf of, people who receive them spend 2-3 times more than the people who aren’t receiving them.

That means that the B2B email marketing is having a direct effect on revenue coming in

Understand your audience better

Another B2B email marketing tip for 2023 is to get to know the people who are receiving your emails better. In other words, understand what your customers and prospects value most. Conducting regular customer satisfaction surveys not only allows you to catch and solve customer problems early, they also reveal what your customers’ top priorities are and what part of your business is most important to them.

Armed with that knowledge, you can tweak and improve the messaging and offers in your B2B marketing emails to reflect what your customers and prospects want to see. This strategy will result will much more effective marketing.

Dedicate time to your list

In a post-COVID world, people are switching jobs a lot more often, and many companies are generally more in flux. That means that your email list could quickly go bad with a lot of out of date email addresses. To ensure your B2B emails are as effective as possible in 2023, you need to devote significant time and effort toward verifying, cleaning, and adding to your email list. Once you add someone to your list, it's important to confirm periodically to see if they are still at the company. Some companies bounce former employees’ emails, but others forward them to someone who may or may not be interested in your products and services.

Keep your B2B emails clear and simple

The economy is tightening in 2023, which means that if you sell products and services to other businesses, you really need to focus on how and why these products and services reduce costs and save time for the reader. Really think about your audience's pain points and how your products and services solve these pain points. With persuasive copy, the key is to show your readers that you have something that can make their lives better, especially when they have to make tough decisions in a slower economy.

Focus on your B2B email marketing this year

These four tips might seem simple or obvious, but the majority of companies will not follow them, and their B2B emails will suffer. Email is a crucial tool as we move into less certain economic times.  Compared to traditional advertising and marketing methods, like direct mail, print media, and paid ads, B2B email marketing is much less expensive. The average ROI for marketing emails that we see is about $36 for every $1 spent. With that kind of return, you need to be taking full advantage of this tool.

If you want to put your B2B email marketing on a solid footing in 2023, then contact the Winsby team today!

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