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B2B Email Marketing Services

B2B email marketing is a critical piece of a business's overall sales strategy. But you have to do it well. Any company can send out emails, but not every company can send out emails that will be read or that will compel the reader to take action. Below are the basics of marketing emails for your business.

Why send out B2B marketing emails

Consistently sending out emails to your audience provides information about your company, the products and services you offer, and why they should work with you instead of someone else. On top of that, marketing emails remind your customers and prospects to purchase from you. There is no better way to improve customer retention and increase sales at a cost that is much less expensive than conventional marketing methods like direct mail and print media.

There are around four billion email users worldwide and growing. Most people check their email about once a day. That means that sending emails gives you a direct line to your customers and prospects and allows you to put your brand right in front of them at least several times a month.

How to do B2B email marketing

The two keys to sending out marketing emails are consistency and ensuring they look and read professional. Your first step is to come up with content ideas. Talk about your products and services, any specials or deals you're offering, customer interviews and testimonials, and tips and best practices for your industry. Your emails should highlight the benefits of your products, the unique value you bring over your competitors, and establish your company as the go to expert in the field.

The next step is to develop a monthly calendar that includes how many emails you're going to send, the topics of the emails, and the target dates for sending them out. Once you have your schedule, you have to write, design, and program your emails to send out. If you don't have an in house team, then we recommend hiring writers, designers, and programmers rather than doing it yourself to ensure that your emails look professional and cast your business in the best light possible.

Once you start sending emails out, track your open rate, click through rate, which types of features are clicked on most often, and how many sales are generated by them. Use this information to tweak and improve your email content and process.

What's the benefit for your business?

Creating and consistently sending out emails can be a lot of work and uses some of your already scarce resources. So what's the benefit for your business? The answer is that B2B email marketing has the power to take your business to the next level, greatly increase revenue, and boost customer retention. Here are some of things we see with our clients once they start sending emails:

  • Customers on your email list purchase two to three times more often than customers who are not receiving emails.
  • Prospects learn about your company through the emails.
  • Sales reps can follow up with anyone who is opening emails consistently.
  • Sending out emails provides an average return on investment of about 4,300%.

At Winsby, we handle the entire B2B email marketing process, from creating calendars and developing topics, to writing, designing, programing, sending, and tracking the results.

Contact our team to start boosting your revenue and retention through emails today!

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